Friday, September 4, 2015

The Vision for an Event on the Howard University Campus

A #Bucky2theBone team member has been reaching out to Howard University to arrange an event on-campus, possibly during homecoming. The purpose would be to raise awareness and boost enrollment in the Bone Bone Marrow Donor Registry. The primary goal of holding a campaign targeted to college students is to add willing registrants to #BeTheMatch who will potentially save lives.

Because first-time undergraduate college students are between the ages of 18 and 22, they are newly eligible to join the registry. They're on the early side of the age range from which the most compatible matches are found. And because donors are retired from the registry at the age of 60, those who join, early in life, will be eligible to donate for a longer period.

Bone marrow donations by those in the 18-44 age group pose the lowest risk of rejection by the recipient. That's why there is no charge for members of this age group to join the registry at an in-person event.

To add to the good news, any #HUBison who want to join the #BeTheMatch registry will be very happy to know that NO NEEDLES are involved. All that is required is some paperwork and a cheek swab!

There is a fundraising component to this drive because there is an expense associated with adding new donors to the registry. And while this is not the main focus of this campus campaign, donations will be accepted. is a nonprofit organization, so all monetary contributions are tax deductible.

Another very important reason for bringing #Bucky2theBone to the Howard University Community is that it is a "Historically Black College/University". Of all the minorities registered as bone marrow donors, At 7%, African-Americans make up the smallest percentage of the registry by race/ethnicity. This may be due to the widespread misinformation circulating about marrow donation in the black community.

Reaching younger people sooner with the truth about joining the registry and the donation process,
will increase the chances of changing this dismal statistic in a positive direction.

Lester Crockett, Jr. (a.k.a.: "Bucky") is the firefighter, for whom this drive is being organized. His firehouse is located in a section of Washington, DC, just east of Howard University's main campus. He was diagnosed with MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome).

A bone marrow transplant will save his life.

Special thanks to D. Christie Burnett, Esq. for her continued hard work to bring this donor drive to fruition.

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